Saturday, November 8

NaNo log: Delta

I have hit a roadblock at the write-in, so this is a good time to update my past NaNo logs. The last two days have been tragically slow. All the procrastination I have been diligently fighting off won last night and is proving to be a worthy opponent. So, without further ado...

NaNoLog 11/04
08:22 writing in the parking lot waiting for my late boss @6899
13:23 watching door for Lacey, broke 7k
13:35 off the door. @7126
//made it to the Barnies write-in just a few minutes late
19:00 first word war. -->804
20:00 second word war. -->908
22:30 writing in between election updates and ffxi
//Barack is the new president, woo! Thank you America
finished the night @9013
//I really wanted to hit 10k tonight. Bah.


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