Monday, October 6

I Finally Saw Saw

Great movie. I thought it was a creative spin on the typical serial-killer-cop-investigation movie. I was expecting it to be a bit gorier, which I am generally glad it wasn't. Excessive gore really only works in cheesy horror flicks like Evil Dead, Society, and Dead Alive, etc. The movie was intense though, mostly taking place in a nasty cell where the master mind serial killer has the victims, usually two, pit against each other where one must kill the other to survive, or both die, in some sick game. For those who haven't seen it, no spoilers here. I will say, that the twist at the end is ridiculous. Absolutely unexpected and, in my opinion, made the movie. I will be renting the next three to watch before Saw V comes out in theaters on the 24th.

On a totally different direction, I had another first in the last 24 hours. I did yoga. Holy shit it is hard. Shelli has this yoga dvd, and she convinced me to try it. It is good for the mind, body and soul no doubt, but I am about as flexible as a cinder block. I had to stick to the easiest modifications of the positions, and even then had trouble with some of them. But, it was a good work out and surprisingly relaxing. All the movements are deliberate, so it forces focus, but slow enough not to be strenuous. And breathing. Lots of breathing. I think I am gonna keep it up a couple times a week. It will no doubt help me with my discipline and stamina in playing the drums, and help boost my energy all around. I have one word of advice for those wanting to try yoga: do not attempt after eating until you are completely digested. It makes you gassy.


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