Sunday, October 5


Here it is, the weblog of none other than me. Right next to yours in the massive, expanding sphere of complex connections we call the web. In a world populated with millions of blogs, mine is but one. "So why read it?" you may ask. Because it's one-in-a-million. Because here you will find daily rants and ravings, insights, tips, tricks, advice, stories, experiences, art, music, reviews, previews, scenic views, abstractions, distractions, attractions, contradictions, predictions, humor, rumor, emotion, commotion, introspect, retrospect, monologues, dialogues, prologues, epilogues, captain's logs, and whatever else spews from my mind and shoots out my finger tips like volts of lightning. I meant bolts of lightning.

Who would not want to read that? Stay tuned.

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